Thursday, September 9, 2010

Got Tea?

Pretty china. Cloth napkins. Fresh flowers. Lilac Candle. Raspberry scones. Cinnamon rolls. Vegetable soup. Homemade quiche. Soft music.

I went the extra mile to treat a couple of my favorite students who came to brunch this week. We laughed and shared deeply from our hearts in the summer breeze, visiting over the lace tablecloth, feeling special just being together.

I have tea parties so frequently that it takes little effort because I'm always planning ahead so I can be spontaneous. The organization makes it easy to go the extra mile when I want to and also makes it easy to have a tea party on the spur of the moment. I love tea parties.

I've had tea parties in each of the 4 hospitals in Columbia, in most of the nursing homes and parks, at the mall, in parking lots, in schools and in homes. I've had tea parties dressed up fancy, dressed up silly, dressed in sweaty dirt and dressed in jammies. I have had tea parties with neighbors, friends, relatives and strangers. There have been tea parties with men, women, boys and girls, and once I had tea with a strange ugly dog who just seemed to need to relax with me and drink some tea. I have always wondered if it was an angel unaware, but who knows!

The thing I like most about tea parties is that no matter what the set-up, it's fun, refreshing, fulfilling, a blessing. People open up and smile and share what is in their hearts. Even people who don't like tea enjoy a tea party. I'm sure when the angels visited Abraham and told him a son would be born, Sarah Abraham served them tea. Would you like goat cream in your tea? One drop of honey or two?

Got tea? Have a tea party.

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