Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Living the Dream

My niece is incredibly bright and passionately focused on fulfilling the calling she was given in her youth. Working hard to change America for the better in political battle fields, she is both patient and diligent. Much of her time is spent going the extra miles, both physically and mentally, building momentum for change as she trains and equips people politically. She keeps her eyes on the big picture and she watches the details. She's very good at what she's been called to do for our country.

To many younger women, her life looks easy, ideal, enviable. They see her on television. She gets to travel to interesting places where she meets new people and gains new insights and creative thoughts. Her work is interesting, alive and exciting. She's beautiful and charming and married to her handsome college sweetheart.

While to the public eye her life looks enviable, to the private eye there is awareness of the sacrifices required. Risks and dangers await us in the world we're trying to change. Physical risks, certainly, but also mental, emotional and spiritual risks. There are personal sacrifices of loneliness, fatigue, disappointment and homesickness. To whom much is given, much will be required.

My niece is a treasure, Jesus says, in a jar of clay. So are you. To become the woman God has called you to be and to fulfill your own calling, you must be molded by the Master Potter and refined by the fire.

You are called to noble purpose. Live your dream and blend your passions with a passion for Him. Endure the stress of being molded and accept the refining fires. Be brave enough to make the sacrifices required in fulfilling your calling and living out God's dream for you.

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