Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thank You Prayer Walks

A little prayer of "Thank you, God,"
Sets our thoughts aright.
Keeps us feeling all day long,
More positive and bright!

Have you ever tried to make a gratitude list? I made one with my Sunday School class of 4 and 5 years olds one winter and we easily filled both sides of a large poster paper. It's an activity that can be done in a few minutes or over the course of a lifetime.

Recently I've been taking a "Thank You Prayer Walk". It takes 7 minutes out and 7 minutes back. On the walk, I thank God for everything that comes to mind...green grass, cute shoes, laughter, strollers, cats, blue sky, rain drops. The most delight comes when I walk with a child or an elderly person because it gives a new perspective.

I love activities that are easy enough to do daily or weekly, even if you rush out early for work or have toddlers at home to take along. In a wheelchair? Roll along. Elderly and stiff? We'll walk slowly. Go as a famiy or alone. C'mon! It'll be fun!

"A walk in the dark with Daddy is the best sort of walk ever." ~Cody, age 4

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