Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cup of Joy

If any line that I ever penned,
Or any word I have spoken,
Has comforted heart, of foe or friend -
In any way, why my life, I'll say
Has reaped the reward of labor.
If aught I have said, or written, has made
Gladder the heart o' my neighbor.

If any deed that I ever did
Lightened a sad heart's sorrow,
If I have lifted a dropping lid
Up to the bright to-morrow,
Though the world knows not nor gives me a thought,
Nor ever can know, nor praise me.
Yet still I shall say, to my heart alway,
That my life, and labor repays me.

If in any way I have helped a soul,
Or given a spirit pleasure,
Then my cup of joy, I shall think is full
With an overflowing measure.

Though never an eye, but the one on high
Looks on my kindly action,
Yet, oh my heart, we shall think of our part
In the drama, with satisfaction.

From "Poems of Reflection" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox M.A. Donohue & Co, Copyright 1905

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