Friday, April 1, 2011

Of Redbuds and Bluebirds

They moved silently into the neighborhood, setting up temporary camp in my garden. Then, to herald their arrival, the two bluebirds sang with glee all morning in my redbud tree. I stood at my window marveling at their beauty. Though I found it a challenge to sing along with a bluebird's song, I welcomed kindred spirits to share my joy. Lo, the winter is over and spring has arrived on the earth!

Day by day I have watched them flitting about, taking a restful break, viewing the neighborhood or singing a song. They played tag in the tree branches. They navigated sprouting bushes and flowers, searching for hidden dangers and secret passages. Such busyness! What delight in life!

This morning as they were discussing nest locations, I was amazed to discover that the redbud tree was covered with beautiful, stately buds. When had this happened? Only the week before I had thanked God for the gorgeous snow covered branches. I had been watching the bluebirds in that tree multiple times daily. Yet, charmed by the busy, fascinating bluebirds, I had forgotten the steadfast strength and beauty of my comforting favorite tree, missing the loveliness simply because I was distracted.

"For lack of attention, a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day." ~Evelyn Underhill

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