Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fountain of Youth

"Moisturizer keeps skin from feeling like a desert ready to bloom cacti. I get that. But sorting through potions to erase wrinkles is beyond me," I confessed.

The lady next to me smiled, tossing jars and bottles into her Walmart cart. "Being beautiful is expensive. It takes a lot of time, doesn't it?"

"I'm not sure how this all works. Do I need to make a schedule of when to use each product?"

She laughed. "And in the end, we have to get older and die anyway, don't we?"

She accepted my offer to buy her a cup of coffee and after the usual small talk about our lives, I shared with her that I'm not that crazy about wrinkles; but the truth is, I enjoy the growth of character, the understanding, the strength and wisdom that come with age. Regardless of the reality of problems, I love living life.

Youth is elusive so why try to hold on to it? Splashing today in an eternal wellspring of life that overflows with joy and every good thing? Schedule me in for THAT beauty treatment.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

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