Friday, January 24, 2020

Devil in the Toilet

"I don't get angry at people," Steve shared, "I get angry at things when they don't work. Like the car. Or the computer, or the toilet. And then other people suffer because I'm angry."

"The devil inhabits the toilet," my husband replied.

We laughed, but it's true, isn't it? The devil uses whatever circumstance he can as a tool for spiritual warfare.

The computer swallows an hour of work. The vacuum spreads dust everywhere. The car won't start. The toilet backs up.

"STUPID TOILET!"  The children scatter. A plunger hits the wall. A foot begins to throb from a well deserved, though unwise, kick against porcelain.

It's not true that the devil makes us do it, but he is always there, waiting for his opportunity.  He's not just concerned about where you spend your Sundays, or about how much time you spend on your knees. He knows we are weakest when we think we're doing "non-spiritual" things. He loves to distract us from noble purpose, to make us too busy to live intentionally.

Because in our minds we divide the spiritual from the physical, we allow him a foot in the door. We give him time and opportunity to set up his tanks on the battlefield of our lives.

To those who declare they are Jesus followers, the enemy is ruthless, tenacious, cruel and heartless. He sets up his heavy artillery aimed directly at our vulnerable spots. Waiting for a moment of exhaustion, disappointment or overstuffed schedule, he attacks with his unyielding force. Disappointment leads to discouragement.  Fears crash into depression.

We know he is a liar. We know he sits back and laughs at us.  But we get busy, direct our attentions elsewhere, become soldiers unaware. We forget that there is an unseen world that is active with the rage of demons. We set aside our mighty weapons of warfare. We cast off our spiritual armor.

We can choose instead to train ourselves to stay awake to the unseen world, even in the humdrum and ordinary parts of our lives.  By constantly walking alongside the Holy Spirit, we remain alert, prepared-for-action soldiers. We can stand ready and alert because we've trained to use the sword and shield of faith.

We call out to God for help and He helps - He's a good Father that way.  But don't forget, He's also a responsible Father, and won't let us get by with sloppy living.

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