Sunday, September 18, 2011

Step by Step

You're walking along, thinking everything is as normal as possible, then, "POW!" Out of the blue comes a blow that knocks you down and leaves you shaking in your shoes. Maybe it's a death or illness, maybe it's a betrayal or a job loss. Maybe the money just won't stretch to the end of the month or your child is having a rough time in a new school.

Over a cup of tea, Andrea choked back tears and confided softly, "I'm bitter and I hate it! Where is God when my heart is breaking?I know God is real. I know He keeps His promises. He sees and knows everything. Why does He make life hurt so much? Does He love me? Did he forget about me?"

A lifetime of walking with Jesus has taught me that we don't have all the answers any more than Job did when his life got hard. Being a Jesus follower does not entitle us to a life free from disappointments. We are not entitled to health, wealth, good marriages or successful careers. In spite of our pain and loss, our disappointments, it is still worth everything to follow Jesus.

Andrea is learning that God's heart breaks with her when bad things happen. He loves her perfectly, personally, protectively with the heart of a father. She doesn't have to know all the answers to know He is a trustworthy provider and a strong fortress. Though she is shaken and afraid, angry and discouraged, God is an ever present help in her time of trouble. He is a steadfast Rock for her to stand on. His work is perfect and all His ways are just.

Step by step, He leads, refining us and changing us from the inside out. Down the road we are not as surprised by the unexpected blow that comes at us out of the blue. Later on we are more surprised by the joy and peace that are available even when we are down for the count.

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