Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Letting God Out of the Box

When the curtain tore from top to bottom at the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, not only were we let into the Holy of Holies, but God was let out. His power. His presence. So, why is it that so many Christians are trying to hold Him back, put Him in a box, limit Him in their thinking and in their lives?

I say we let Him out of whatever box we've tried to keep Him in. Let Him loose in our hearts, in our homes, in our businesses. Let Him loose on our campus and in our city.

"Spiritual leadership is not the ability to know everything the future holds, it's the willingness to move forward when all we know is God." ~Jon Weece

Spiritual leadership is living life with daring faith. It's taking risks to walk new paths with old truths. It's living life with your eyes wide awake and your heart wide open, alert to opportunities. It's walking toward an open door and knowing, if I find Jesus on the inside, then I will walk in. No matter what is ahead.

What is God's vision for your life? Have you locked God in a box that leaves your life littered with hurtful words, militant attitudes and fruitless frustration? The bride of Christ is being bloodied and ripped by arguments, broken by duplicity and mediocrity. There are walls being built between the people of God's possession and the homeless, the sexually confused, those diseased or in prison, the broken masses yearning to be free.

Spiritual leadership is needed. Moses lived outside the box. Noah lived outside the box. Hannah lived outside the box. Mary and Joseph lived outside the box. The great crowd of witnesses is full of people who stepped out in faith and followed wherever God led them. I hear them cheering us on. They did and so can we!

I've been considering ending my blog. I got a little bit nervous about having over 1100 visits in my first 2 months. People in over 10 countries, (2 countries that I wasn't even aware existed on our planet) in nearly every continent, are reading this blog. I'm a simple person and complexity overwhelms me easily. But I'm taking my own advice. I want a life that makes a difference. I want to be a lead Christ-follower and go wherever He sends me.

Let's let God loose to amaze us with what His power can do!

Oh, Father, help us to bow our hearts and to surrender to Your vision! Teach us to see with Your eyes and to love with Your heart. We believe in Your people. We believe You are the God who sees and the God who is able. Make a difference in the church in this generation. We won't let Your church die. Not on our watch. Not in our town, not on our campus, not in our backyard.

Here am I. Send me. We will walk by faith and not sight. We will listen. Speak to us and speak through us. Help us to see the cross. Help us to remember the sacrifice that was paid, not just for us, but for others.

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