Friday, October 8, 2010

Singing in the Rain

“You do not understand now what I am doing, but you will understand later on.” ~John 13:7

“Instead of your shame you will have a double portion.”~Isaiah 61:7

I would love to sit down with you over a cup of tea, share our stories and pray together! My teacup is presently a sunshine yellow mug of Vanilla Tea, if you really want to know. Want a bite of my cinnamon toast? (The cool thing about imaginary bites – no calories, no spreading germs!)

I am enjoying the rain and soothing jazz as I write, but the rain and dark clouds will settle around some of you unpleasantly, reminders of your losses and pain.

I fought the blues all weekend because of a medication I am on. Tough stuff, the blues. The focus goes inward and the evil one zings darts and the mind becomes exhausted from worry, doubts and fears. My faith had to fight continual battles to stay focused on others and to keep my mind dwelling on God’s Word, worship songs and good things.

I don’t always understand what Father is doing in my life, but I know He has a purpose in the tough times. My life matters to Him, to His purposes. I know that I am forgiven and that my shame is gone. All of my sin is removed as far as the east is from the west because I am His beloved child. I know what I am called to do and I know I walk by faith not sight.

Still, taking every thought captive and staying true to my purpose and passion takes a lot of determination and spunk when I'm feeling blue. I won victory over my weekend of blues. It was a tough fight, but joy comes and today I am discovering a season of refreshing.

What I learned is this: Getting up every day with purpose and living out each day passionately is a reward in itself. There’s more value to life, and at the end of the day, there’s accomplishment and fulfillment. Jesus lived wholeheartedly and we should follow his example.

Everything God does is with purpose and passion. That’s how I must live my life, too – with purpose and passion. Even when I’m fighting the blues. Even when I’m tired. Even when I’m having a bad day.

Taking responsibility for how you live is a brave thing. It takes courage to take life as it comes and to be determined to make the most we can of it.

Stay alert. Stand true. Pray hard. Love deep. Finish strong.

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