Friday, December 31, 2010

Walking into Sunshine

The passing of years is comforting to me. I am learning to welcome change. Few people receive the gift of being fully aware of each moment as it is lived, but aging brings the ability to see more clearly. I appreciate the moments more, notice them more as I live them.

A thunderstorm overhead is tugging the old year away. I am going to sit by the fire, snuggled in a quilt while I sip a cup of hazelnut coffee. With my favorite polka-dot pen, I am going to write down some questions for my "Pondering Journal":

What is it I want? I'm setting aside what others would assume I want. I'm letting go of what I've always thought I wanted.

What is it I know for sure? I need to get beyond what I feel, think and have been taught. It's a good time to examine and discern lessons learned.

What shall I change?I need to make decisions about schedules, habits and choices. Some changes must wait. Some changes are ready to bear fruit.

Once the thunderstorm and rain have washed my world clean and fresh, the old year will be gone. As I step into the sunshine and walk into 2011, I will be hoping for a rainbow.

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